Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Cup of Coffee to Keep u Cozy...

As I set bout writing this post sipping on to a cup of hot coffe from the coffee vending machine,I am sure that there ll be many of u, who like me really like to sip into a cup of hot coffee to kickstart our day…But my liking for coffee extends far beyond the traditional cup of hot coffee…
Thanks to the new trend n culture of the Coffee shops that have sprung up in plenty everywhere, I feel happy to be doing justice to my beverage passion by trying out ‘Coffee’ in its most innovative forms available.
But , if I have to pick one flavor, or so to say one coffee based drink,that I really love is called ‘Mega Mocha Shake’ that’s served by one of the popular coffe shop in Kolkata. The particular drink, am speaking of, contains apart from traditional milk-based coffee, a generous helping of chocolate sauce n lots n lots of choco chips.N most importantly its served absolutely chilled.
Its true that at times my nack of experimentation with the coffee beverages has landed me in awkward situtaions.The one that I can possibly remember now, was when I had ordered for a coffee drink that had a alcoholic beverage as one of its ingredients.Trust me, when the beverage was served to me, hot n fuming, it threw out the craziest of smells n tasted equally awkward.
But, for me coffee has more pros than its cons n I am more than willing to keep them aside n continue with this love for Coffee….